Tag Archives: Submission Impossible

Post #100 – Good Stuff Volume I

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53679694″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=848484″ width=”100%” height=’90’ iframe=”true” /] This is a two parter! I’ve written some thoughts about my blog since reaching post #100 and have also decided to finally present my first volume of Good Stuff! Click the spoiler for … Continue reading

Posted in Collection, Download, etc, Good Stuff, Mix, Music, Ramble, Song | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Post #100 – Good Stuff Volume I

Submission Impossible – The Artisans EP & Submission Control

TRACK – TRACK TRACK – TRACK Today I’m going to talk about two records in one post as they are the only works released from Submission Impossible (that I know of anyway). These records are very close to being my favorite part … Continue reading

Posted in Album, Download, Music, Ramble | Tagged | Comments Off on Submission Impossible – The Artisans EP & Submission Control