Mini Van Highway & Mark Salud

Of all of the awesome skits that appeared on Tim and Eric I think I honestly have to say that this is up there as one of my all time favorites. I hadn’t seen this in quite some time until someone recently posted this amazing poster art on Reddit a few weeks ago (I wish this was a real poster, I would have purchased it immediately). I actually had posted this song before over on my personal blog about a year or two ago and included what a lot of people agree inspired them to make the skit.

Below is Mark Salud’s appearance on a San Diego public access show which shares a lot of the qualities that were used for the T&E skit. Some might just take it as a joke since being used as inspiration for Tim and Eric but I personally think the music sounds great. I have no idea how difficult it is to perform music with the software that’s being used, but it does look like quite a bit of work was involved in writing it from the shots of the screen. Mini Van Highway is a pretty sweet song but I think I’d have to say the first portion of this video is even better! I wish there was more of this online but I couldn’t find anything else after searching for a bit.

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